Monday, July 27, 2009

Coulter's Take on Health Care

From her blog, Ann Coulter posted an article entitled Take Two Advil and Call Me When Your Cancer Is Stage 4 expressing her explicit blunt view on the idea of universal health care.
Ann Coulter is a renown Conservative blogger, so her intended audience most likely are Conservatives looking to learn about the pros and cons of the proposed universal health care system.
Seeing as Coulter is a very popular and strongly-followed blogger, she clearly knows what she's talking about and is quite educated on the issues she writes about in her articles. On the other hand, her opinions may be somewhat biased considering she has made a living off of being an outspoken Conservative and may lose some of her support if she publicizes views that are inconsistent to those held by the Republican party.
In her argument, she takes the approach that health care would be easily affordable if we left it on the free market, instead of being overly cautious and holding hands with the poor. She explains that if we make health care universal, then our insurance will not be suffice enough to cover serious and expensive problems, like chemotherapy, but will instead cover everyone’s minor yet expensive issues.

I must say I strongly agree with Coulter on this issue. As she points out in her article, the free market makes services affordable. For instance, nearly every adult in the United States, rich and poor, own a cell phone. If we hold each citizen accountable for their own personal health, nearly every citizen will work to get the necessary funds. If this accountability is simply thrown on the heads of the tax-payers, those lower-class folks start to lose their will to succeed.

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