Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Don't Be Fooled By Obama's 45 Million

"Don't Be Fooled By Obama's 45 Million Uninsured," by S.E. Cupp, criticizes Obama's worries about our nation's health care problem, claiming they are exaggerated. Obama has repeatedly reminded the the US that there are a total of forty five million people who don't have health insurance in America. Cupp explains that these forty five million is a major overestimate, and that Obama's proposed health care plan won't cure the issue. Cupp argues that Obama's plan will bankrupt the government, lower the standard of health care for those of us who are insured, drive out the best doctors, and many patients won't be able to receive the advanced health care they may need to survive. As for the "forty five million," ten million are illegal aliens, and seventeen million can afford to get health insurance, but simply choose not to. So after taking out just the illegals, Cupp explains we are left with just four percent of the population uninsured, and insuring just those four percent could jeopardize the quality of health care for the rest of the country.

I strongly agree with Cupp. The majority of our country is very contnet with their health care plans, and NOTHING should jeapordize that. While I believe we should come up with some health care planfor the uninsured, I don't think downgrading the rest of the health care system is the answer. We need the best doctors, because our health is too valuable to start compromising with.

Clearly, Cupp's audience are Conservatives, seeing as he writes for Fox News. This also shows that he's most likely a credible author, because Fox News is a very prestigious news outlet.

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