Thursday, August 13, 2009

Agreein with Chase in his Chasm

In Chase Carney's article, "Chase's Chasm," I must say while I read it, I felt like he had taken my exact thoughts and rewrote them in this beautifully-written article. The two-party system we currently have ruined Americans and therefore America. As Chase points out, our Founding Fathers knew ahead of time that the parties would put a cruel divide between Americans.

I understand that it's part of our wonderful democracy that people can peacefully disagree with each other. However, I'm not sure if Republicans really disagree with Democrats, or vice versa. Citizens now just use their party as a crutch to their own opinions and use the party to voice their personal opinions. That is a counterproductive part of our democracy. There are so many uneducated Americans. Just look at the polls and the general political knowledge of the American citizens. It is extremely low. Then look at party affiliation and it is disproportionately high. What that says to me is that these uneducated people just follow their family or friends, join a party, and neglect to ever really think for themselves.

There are so many different issues: social, economic, domestic, foreign affairs, etc. How can a single party possibly cater to an individual's every opinion???

1 comment:

  1. As an educated American student I can relate to Josh’s reponse and article on Chase’s Chasm. I would have to agree that a majority of Americans are uneducated and only take in part of what their families politcal views . Though that might be one excuse to why a majority of Americans might fall in a particular political category, I would have to say that your classification of class would put you in another spot. Usually the ones that are not as fortunate to attend college or those who drop out, seem to lean more to the left, then those who are educated affilitated humans that work and contribute by not cheating the system lean more to the right. As Americans we never talk about such topics, due to the circumstances of offending others. In your response Josh, you say that our counrty is divided by the left and the right, that iis so true, but that is starting to change. Americans are speaking up in town meetings and are saying no to this healthcare reform. For once, Americans are putting the classification of party aside and, saying no we do not want this healthcare reform. Sometimes our country can be divied, just for example the civil war . In my opinion to what I have read and have viewed in our media of news, our left party that is in office isn’t making a lot of Americans happy. Josh, you’re a right about that there being so many issues, how can one party make all these wonderful decisions to relaxe Americans. I know a solution to the problem, and that is to have a house that is equally divided.
