Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Socialism: AKA the Darkside

In the third Star Wars Movie, just before Obi Wan Kenobi and Anikin Skywalker fight for the first time, Anikin tells Obi Wan that since he is not with him, he is instead his enemy. Obi Wan responds: "Only the syth think in absolutes." Socialism is an extreme solution, and its promoters are only thinking in absolutes.
Now in no way am I saying that Socialists truly represent the dark side and are bad people, but I must Jameson Lebreton's perspective in his article, Loaded Words.
While I wholeheartedly agree that Americans unfairly reject those with socialist ideas, I must disagree with Jameson's view that socialism is not a threat to democracy. A democracy is a government in which the power is primarily vested in the people.
In socialism, the government officials are absolutely in primary control. They divvy up property and money and protections to all the people in an radically simplified way. Jameson is correct in saying that aspects of America already are run in a socialist way - like roads and public schools. But that's what makes democracy a democracy. It is not an absolute. It makes certain institutions private, while other sects of those institutions remain private. A socialist government is too radical and would give too much power to the government too choose how much different amenities cost and how to allocate them. The people lose their say when this happens, and therefore it is without a doubt a threat to democracy.

We, the people, must "use the force," instead of relinquishing it to a fallible government.

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